Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Help your kids get along this summer with our FREE printable!

My Little Lambs are 3 years apart, just far enough to really get on each other's nerves, but close enough to reasonably be expected to play together ;)  I had one of those "ah-ha" parenting moments last week and told them if I "catch" them playing together throughout the summer, they get a sticker on this nifty chart I made. When they get 5 stickers, they get a special treat. So far the treats we've thought up are going to get ice cream, hitting at Total Baseball, and getting balloons at the "party store." (For those who know my Little Lambs well, guess whose idea was what!?!)
Click on the link above and you can download and print this chart off and post on your fridge as I have done. So far, they've gotten 5 stickers last week...but only 1 this week...hopefully it's not going to be a LONG summer ;)


Monday, May 23, 2011

Thank You Notes by Jimmy Fallon

Have you heard about the hilarious new book by Jimmy Fallon?
It is called Thank You Notes, and is really, really funny. The BEST thing about it, though, is that he takes out an actual piece of stationery and writes these "thank you notes" on them. LOVE it!!!