Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Cool, easy, and cheap panini recipe

I got married right around the time that the George Foreman Grill was just getting to be popular, so we got 2 or 3 as gifts (we just kept one, but thank you Aunt So-and-So for the LOVELY gift!). I guess it was because it was such a novelty, to be able to drip away all the fat from the the stuff we grilled right in the comfort of our kitchen, that we used the heck out of it for about a year. I think it was my "thing" I have with HATING to handwash dishes and the fact this grill could not go in the dishwasher, it kind of became relegated to the back of the cabinet. Fast forward ___ years ;) I came up with this awesome sandwich the other night using none other than that awesome little countertop appliance. See if you have one in the back of your cabinet and give it a shot! (And for the record, yes, I know they make them now where you can put the grates in the dishwasher, but alas, that is not how mine "rolls.")

Super Awesome Panini Recipe:
Tomato topped focaccia (I got one on sale at Target, but here's a great recipe if you want to make your own)
Slice bread in half horizontally.
Put some provolone slices on the bottom half.
Put some smoked turkey slices on top of that.
Repeat the cheese layer.
Top with the other half of the bread and put this on the preheated grill. Let it grill for about 15 minutes and then slice like a pie as shown above.

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